204/19-B10a p28a, 204/19-B10a p28a, 204/19-B10b p28b (Foinaven)
204/20-P, 204/20-LO3 (Schiehallion)
West of Shetland development wells where oil is trapped in submarine slope channelized turbidite reservoir sandstone of Paleocene age.
15/22-14 (Scott)
The Scott reservoir occurs in the Jurassic Piper sands of Upper Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian age, which are thicker in the west of the field than the east. The Piper Formation consists of a series of sand bodies (which generally coarsen upwards) interstratified with mudstones of varying thicknesses. Sandstones are generally thick and laterally extensive and are easily correlated across the field.
22/06a-Various (Forties)
The Forties field is located along the crest of the northern end of the south-southeast trending Forties Montrose high, within the Central Graben. Hydrocarbons are found in the Paleocene Forties Sandstone of the Sele Formation with these sediments deposited mainly by turbidity currents on a submarine ramp.
22/17-T21 (Arbroath)
The Arbroath field lays towards the northern end of the Central Graben area. The field has a simple non-faulted, anticlinal structure separated by a structural saddle with only low relief. The structures are a product of Alpine tectonism combined with differential compaction of the reservoir section. The hydrocarbons have a Kimmeridge Clay Formation source and occur wholly within the Paleocene Forties Sandstone Member. The oil is trapped by mudstones of the Sele Formation.
49/30a-DC, 49/30a-DD (Davy)
Davy is a small dry gas field in the southeastern corner of the UK Southern North Sea Rotliegend play fairway. There is a great variation in the Rotliegend Leman Sandstone Formation reservoir which comprises of continental, fluvial and aeolian sediments deposited in the Southern Permian basin under hot, semi-arid desert conditions. The sequence comprises clean well sorted aeolian dune sandstones, locally argillaceous and less well sorted interdune and fluvial sandstones and poorly sorted and argillaceous sabkha sandstones. The wells were successfully drilled between Q4 1995 and Q1 1996 using the Arch Rowan jack-up drilling rig.
30/11b-4 (Appleton Beta)
An appraisal well drilled by BP Amoco in Q1 1997 using the Sedco 711 semi-submersible drilling rig. Prospectivity was in the Upper Jurassic Fulmar and subordinate Ribble Sandstone reservoirs. The late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian Fulmar sands were deposited in a shoreface-shelfal setting, whereas the slightly younger, late Kimmeridgian Ribble sands are interpretted as turbidite sands deposited in a deeper outer shelf to basinal setting. The main Kimmeridge Clay Formation hydrocarbon kitchen areas are located in basinal areas to the north and east.
20/03a-6 (Ettrick)
An exploration well situated just east of the Ettrick field of the Outer Moray Firth. Drilled in Q2 1997 using the Sedco 711 semi-submersible drilling rig.
49/30a-7A (North Davey)
Davy is a small dry gas field in the southeastern corner of the UK Southern North Sea Rotliegend play fairway. There is a great variation in the Rotliegend Leman Sandstone Formation reservoir which comprises of continental, fluvial and aeolian sediments deposited in the Southern Permian basin under hot, semi-arid desert conditions. The sequence comprises clean well sorted aeolian dune sandstones, locally argillaceous and less well sorted interdune and fluvial sandstones and poorly sorted and argillaceous sabkha sandstones. The well was drilled in Q4 2000 using the Glomar Adriatic 6 jack-up drilling rig.
P15-15 (Rijn, Netherlands)
In the Dutch sector of the southern North Sea the Rijn field lies 40km northwest of Rotterdam in 82ft water depth. The reservoir interval is in the Lower Cretaceous Rijnland Group. The Rijn Member was deposited in a coastal environment during the Hauterivian in the offshore part of the West Netherlands Basin and unconformibly overlies Triassic and Jurassic formations. The field shows many structural and sedimentary similarities to other fields in the region. The well was drilled in Q2 2001 using the Ensco 85 jack-up drilling rig.
P11-02 (De Ruyter, Netherlands)
The De Ruyter oil and gas field lies across blocks P10a and P11b and consists of two fault separated accumulations, the Volpriehausen and Hewett/Zechstein Fringe units.
1995 to 2001 as Data Engineer / Mudlogger for Baker Hughes Inteq.