53/03d-10 (Alcyone)
The design object of the Southern North Sea Alcyone well was to vertically drill and explore a narrow, roughly NW to SE trending horst, targeting the Rotliegend Leman Sandstone Formation. The well was drilled in 2010 using the Noble Julie Robertson jack-up drilling rig.
48/12a-1 (Olympus)
Located in the Southern North Sea Sole Pit Basin, the objectives of the Olympus well was to prove gas presence within the four way dip enclosed Rotliegend Lower Leman Sandstone Formation, acquire adequate log data and whole rock core to fully evaluate the reservoir and also confirm the depth of the GWC. The well was drilled in 2010 using the Noble Julie Robertson jack-up drilling rig.
2010 as Wellsite Geologist for Barrel Consultants Ltd.