211/12a-M71 (Magnus)

The Magnus (M63ST / B04) well was designed to target bypassed oil along the stratigraphic edge of UMSM sands, up-dip of the donor M63 well, within the Magnus Fields Southern Panel. The well was drilled and logged successfully and formation pressure tests acquired with LWD in Q1 of 2025 on-board the Magnus production platform.

211/12a-M70 (Magnus)

The Magnus (M65ST / E03) well was designed to sidetrack to a local twin location as a designated MSG crestal producer and provide zonal isolation to allow production from the MSG reservoir. The well was drilled and logged successfully and formation pressure tests acquired with LWD in Q4 of 2024 on-board the Magnus production platform.

211/12a-M69 (Magnus)

The Magnus (M43 Twin / B07) well was designed to sidetrack to a local twin location as a designated MSA crestal producer and provide zonal isolation to allow production from the MSA reservoir. The well was drilled and logged successfully and formation pressure tests acquired with LWD in Q4 of 2023 on-board the Magnus production platform.

211/12a-M68 (Magnus)

The Magnus (MC09) well is an Upper Magnus Sandstone Member producer, targetting the stratigraphic edge of MSG sands in a crestal dip closure within the Magnus Field Central Panel. The well was drilled and logged successfully and formation pressure tests acquired with LWD in the Q2/3 of 2023 on-board the Magnus production platform.

211/12a-M67 (Magnus)

The NW Magnus ST infill injector (NWMI) aimed to re-instate water injection in the NWM field to the down-dip terrace 2 Brent reservoir to support production from M66. The well was drilled and logged with LWD in Q2 of 2023 on-board the Magnus production platform.

211/12a-M66 (Magnus)

The NW Magnus ST infill producer (NWM) was the first target selceted for the Magnus 2022 infill drilling campaign. The aim to re-instate production from a down-dip terrace Brent reservoir as the only other well was shut in with a high water cut. The well was drilled and logged with LWD in the Q3 of 2022 on-board the Magnus production platform.

9/02b-C4, 9/02b-D4 & D4Z (Kraken)

Two field infill wells drilled from Drill Centre 2 (DC2) in the Worcester area of the Kraken Field consisting of one production well and one injector well. Both of the high angle, extended reach wells targeted the Lista Formation, Heimdal Sandstones and were directionally drilled and geosteered using the Schlumberger GeoSphere and Geovision imaging tools. D4 reservoir sand net footage was below expectation and the well was successfully sidetracked as D4Z. The wells were logged with LWD and completed successfully between Q1 and Q2 2020 using the Stena Don semi-submersible drilling rig.

211/12a-M65 (Magnus)

The fourth sidetrack well as part of the Magnus Life Extension Project (MLXP) designed to target the remaining oil reserves within the Oxfordian to Volgian age Upper Kimmeridge Magnus Sandstone Member and appraise the Lower Kimmeridge Formation. The well was drilled and logged successfully using LWD tools with formation pressure tests acquired in Q1  2020 on-board the Magnus production platform.

211/12a-M64 (Magnus)

The third sidetrack well as part of the Magnus Life Extension Project (MLXP) designed to target the remaining oil reserves within the Oxfordian to Volgian age Lower Kimmeridge Claystone Formation. The well was drilled and logged successfully using LWD tools with formation pressure tests acquired in Q4 2019 on-board the Magnus production platform.

9/02b-G1, 9/02b-G2, 9/02b-G3 (Kraken)

Three field infill wells drilled from Drill Centre 4 (DC4) in the Kraken Field consisting of two production wells and one injector well. Each well targeted the Lista Formation, Heimdal Sandstones and were directionally drilled and geosteered using the Schlumberger GeoSphere and Geovision imaging tools. The wells were logged with LWD and completed successfully between Q4 2018 and Q1 2019 using the Transocean Leader semi-submersible drilling rig.

211/12a-M63 (Magnus)

A sidetrack well designed as the second infill well sanctioned as part of the Magnus Life Extension Project (MLXP). The objective of the well being to target the remaining waterflood production from the Upper Magnus Sand Member by providing an incremental production off-take point in the southern sector of the field supported by injection from existing well stock. The well was drilled and logged successfully using LWD tools in Q3 2018 on-board the Magnus production platform.

211/12a-M62Z (Magnus)

An ERD sidetrack well designed as the first infill well sanctioned as part of the Magnus Life Extension Project (MLXP). The objective of the well being to access the remaining Upper Magnus Sand Member oil by providing an incremental production off-take point in the far north panel. The well was drilled and logged successfully using LWD tools between Q1 and Q2 2018 on-board the Magnus production platform.

2018 to 2025 as Consultant Wellsite Geologist for DXC Geological Ltd.


21/19a-13 (Eagle)

A tight hole exploration well in the Eagle field. The well was successfully drilled and evaluated with wireline logging tools in 2016 using the Stena Spey semi-submersible drilling rig.

21/08a-5 (Scolty)

Development well designed to drill and complete a horizontal producer through the Palaeocene Cromarty sandstone interval of the Scolty field. The well was successfully drilled and completed in 2016 using the Stena Spey semi-submersible drilling rig and the reservoir evaluated using LWD data.

30/24c-K7 (Alma)

Development well of sufficient length designed to drill sub-horizontally through the Devonian Buchan sandstone to produce oil from the central southern panel of the Alma field. The well was drilled successfully in 2016 using the Stena Spey semi-submersible drilling rig and evaluated using LWD data to support the understanding of the reservoir zonation.

30/24c-W1 (Alma)

A sigmoidal shaped well intended as a water injector to permit the disposal of formation water into the Zechstein and Rotliegend formations within the central pat of the Alma field. The well was designed to fully evaluate the Fulmar, Zechstein and Rotliegend sections with the well completed in the Devonian Buchan sandstone. The well was drilled successfully in 2015 using the Stena Spey semi-submersible drilling rig.

21/19-6Z (Gadwall)

Sidetrack well designed to drill and confirm the presence of a good quality Upper Jurassic, Fulmar sand reservoir. The well was then to be completed and perforated to drain the remaining reserves in the Gadwall structure. The well was drilled successfully in 2015 using the Stena Spey semi-submersible drilling rig.

2015 to 2016 as Wellsite Geologist for Barrel Consultants Ltd