48/02a-B1, 48/02a-B2, 48/02a-B2Z, 48/02a-B3 (Babbage)
The Babbage field development consists of a gas accumulation within the Lower Permian, Leman Sandstone Formation. The highly deviated development wells were successfully drilled, logged, completed and hydraulically fractured in 2009 and 2010 using the Transocean GSF Labrador jack-up drilling rig.
44/22c-12, 44/11c-12Z (Rita)
The horizontal development production wells, Rita West (Main bore) and Rita East (Lateral) were designed to drain gas from Carbonifereous, Late Westphalian, Ketch Formation reservoir sands. The wells were successfully drilled in 2008 using the Transocean GSF Labrador jack-up drilling rig.
43/27a-5, 43/27a-5Z (Johnston)
The Johnston extension was designed to provide an additional horizontal well drainage in the Johnston field tail from the Lower Permian, Leman Sandstone Formation. A pilot hole was drilled to determine top reservoir and sand thickness before being plugged back and sidetracked for the horizontal production well. The wells were successfully drilled and logged with LWD and wireline in 2007 using the Transocean GSF Labrador jack-up drilling rig.
2007 to 2009 as Wellsite Geologist for Barrel Consultants Ltd.