49/30b-10 (Foxtrot)
The Foxtrot well was designed as a shallow angle exploration well to appraise a crested location within the Bunter Sandstone Formation in the UK Southern North Sea gas basin. The well was successfully drilled and logged with LWD tools in 2011 using the Ensco 80 jack-up drilling rig.
44/19b-7A (Cameron)
The Cameron exploration well was designed to appraise the Carboniferous Conybeare Group in a combined structural / stratigraphic trap. The well was successfully drilled and logged with wireline in 2011 using the Ensco 80 jack-up drilling rig.
44/28b-K8, 44/28b-K9, 44/28b-K9Y, 44/28b-K10Z, 44/28b-K10Y (Ketch)
The Ketch field reservoir consists of Carboniferous, Barren Red of the Ketch Formation and Coal Measures of the Cleaver Formation. The development wells above were successfully drilled between 2006 to 2007 and 2011 to 2012 using the Ensco 70 jack-up drilling rig.
44/26a-7, 44/26a-A10, 44/26a-A10Z (Schooner)
The Schooner field reservoir consists of Carboniferous, Barren Red of the Ketch Formation and Coal Measures of the Cleaver Formation. A minor proportion occurs in the underlying Coal Measures. The two units are lithologically similar, both represented by fluvial sandstones interbedded with flood plaion mudstones. The development wells were successfully drilled between 2005 to 2006 using the Ensco 101 jack-up drilling rig.
2006 to 2012 as Wellsite Geologist for Barrel Consultants Ltd.